Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Message of His Grace Francisco Montecillo Padilla, in His Visitation to our Seminary, on 06th May,2012

(Homily at Mass in St. Charles Lwanga Major Seminary Segerea, Dar es Salaam)
6th May, 2012.

Purpose of the Nuncio’s visit to the Seminary: He had once been a formator at the Regional Seminary in Philippines as vice rector before he moved to Rome and, according to the plan of God, had to go for Diplomatic studies. He has since, always felt comfortable to visit seminaries because of the beautiful experience he had in the Seminary. So, he comes here to see us, share something with our formators and give us some points of reflection about formation in the priestly vocation.
Important questions to ask oneself: First, Who am I? Second, Why am I here? Both, seminarians and formators have to ask themselves those questions, and it is important because it helps one to discover God’s love. God’s love is the answer to why He has chosen you and not any other person to be here. We are not better than others, but God loves us.
Vocation as a Seed: A persons vocation is like a seed which after it has been sown, germinates and needs to be cared for. It must be protected and nourished to grow and develop, and to mature. Such is the reason why we students are in the seminary, where we have to fulfill this responsibility with close assistance and guidance from our formators.
Exterior and Interior call: “St. Thomas Aquinas distinguished the ‘exterior’ from the ‘interior’ call. Situations, events, or persons such parents, friends, other seminarians, etc. constitute the exterior call through their experience and suggestions. On the other side, the interior calling is that which God imparts to man and with which He enlightens the mind of man and moves his heart, “interior instinctus Dei invitantis”, as St. Thomas Aquinas defines it. In other words, His Grace has called this interior call or vocation the interior instinct to answer the call of God, and it superior to exterior call or vocation.
Proper Formation requires Renunciation: His Grace used the example of competent athletes who in fact make a lot of exercises and undergo much of renunciation from many other things in order to emerge as competent as we can see them. It is then a seminarian’s duty to renounce those other things which do match the priesthood so that at the end he makes a good, holy priest. This does not come over night, but needs lengthy and committed spiritual and human exercises.
The Seminary as a special school: The seminary is not a school like any other schools. It is rather a place where priestly formation is given. His Grace stated categorically that whoever among the seminarians has a goal different from priesthood is certainly in a wrong place.
The Formators’ Responsibility: Formators have a sole responsibility before God of helping seminarians to discern and attain their goal, that is, priesthood. They will do this with their directives and good example. Accordingly, if any formator gives a bad example, he is like the blind who leads another blind and both will finally fall into a pit.
Relationship between formators and seminarians: His Grace clarified what kind of relationship there must be between formators and seminarians. He said the formator priests are to be like big brothers to seminarians, rather than police men. Therefore, the atmosphere of brotherly love, readiness to listen, readiness to help, good intention on the side of formators, and proper disposition to listen and obey on the side of seminarians must prevail.

His Grace Francisco Montecillo Padilla (Apostolic Nuncio to Tanzania), at St. Charles Lwanga Segerea, Senior Seminary Dar es salaa. on: 06th May, 2012


His Grace with second Year senior seminarians



Sunday, April 8, 2012

JUMAPILI YA MATAWI - Matukio katika picha

 Padre Novatus Mrighwa akitoa utangulizi.
 Baadhi ya watumishi wa Misa
 Padre Mrighwa akibariki matawi
 Padre akitia ubani katika chetezo
 Mafrateri wakigawana matawi
 Mafrateri wakiwa katika hali ya usikivu
 Maandamano kuelekea kanisani wakiongozwa na chetezo (Frt Shumbusho Evasius na Frt Lusale Nemes)

Monday, March 12, 2012


Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting, get understanding. (Prov. 4:7)
Getting understanding is not the same as getting a breakthrough. It is certainly not an instant solution. Nevertheless, understanding will lead you to the solution. Wisdom is most useful for direction.
When you have wisdom and understanding, you will be a different kind of woman/man. Women/men who give themselves to reading are people of understanding. People who bother to go to university are people of understanding. In the natural, such people have an easier life.
When you thoroughly understand the cause of a problem, you are able to solve it better. That is why medical doctors spend so much time trying to diagnose problems. Understanding the problem is often 80% of the solution.
Do you want an easier life? Then get understanding. Make the effort to understand the curse of the Garden of Eden. Understand the root cause of all frustration. I cannot say anything greater than the Word of God. Understand! Get wisdom.

Prepared by:
Frt BikolwaMungu A, Stephen (Archdiocese of Mwanza)


Segerea Senior Seminary is a Regional Theological Seminary, located in Dar es salaam Tanzania, about 14 kilometers South-West of the City centre. For more precision, it is about 3 kilometers North-West of the Dar es Salaam International Airport.
This Seminary was opened in 1979, and is being run by the Tanzania Episcopal Conference (T.E.C.) with aim of training future Catholic Priests for facilitating the mission of our Lord Jesus Christ of spreading the Good News till the end of the times.
The four pillars of the formation of the seminary are:- Human, Intellectual, Spiritual and Pastoral formation. In regard human formation, the Seminarians are trained to develop human qualities such as Sincerity, constant love of justice, fidelity to one’s promises, courtesy in deed, modesty, and charity.
On Academic formation, Seminarians are being taught different disciplines such as Sacred Scripture, Moral Theology, Dogmatic Theology, Liturgy, Church Law, Spiritual Theology, Pastoral Theology, Catechesis, Patrology, Missiology, Islamics, Homiletics, African Tradition Religion, Greek and Latin languages.
Spiritual formation is aimed at preparing future priests for the life of Holiness. Through spiritual formation, seminarians are taught to inculcate a sense of mission to exercise ministry with lively faith and charity and to cultivate those virtues which are highly valued in human relationships.
Pastoral formation is provided to students especially in matters pertain to the sacred ministry and in a special way in the celebration of the Sacraments, in dealing with people including non-Catholics and unbelievers. All these are being guided by our motto “Et eritis mihi Testes” (Act 1:8).
Moreover, realizing and acknowledging the gifts and talents of the community, the seminary has not lagged behind in concretizing the police of self-reliance, indeed as you get in the circumference of the seminary what catches your eyes, if not your whole being is that which the implementation of self-reliance policy has produced. The seminary has also taken to heart the saying of the wise men that “we do not stop playing because we grow old but rather we grow old because we stop playing”. Hence different kinds of sports have been introduced in the seminary.
All in all, the seminary is doing a lot to ensure that the goals are met.
Frt Wilhelm Soni (Theology IV)