The first day of January is
also Mary’s special day because Bethlehem
constituted a new start for the world and again, our Lady made this possible.
In the Epistle to the Romans, St.Paul tells us that Jesus is the new Adam;
through Him, the world was recreated, made new again. Since freshness of life
is so apposite a thought to the start of the New Year, the Church invites us to
begin in the company of the Virgin Mother of Nazareth .
So can our New Year’s
resolutions. Resolutions, for example, to live our faith better: by going to
confession monthly or by trying to pray better each day. Or we could resolve to
do something specifically Marian, such as a Marian pilgrimage this year (or
make such a pilgrimage each year, for the rest of our lives); or (if we are not
already committed), say the Rosary daily the rest of our lives.
“Specifically Marian” always
means, “oriented to Christ”. Mary always points to Jesus, as she did at Cana of
Galilee, when she told the waiters: “Do whatever he [Jesus] tells you” (Jn 2:5)
Devotion to Mary can only
increase our faith. Mary is the model of faith par excellence; in fact, she is the
person of faith, always believing, never doubting, yet at the same time not
fully understanding. Faith is a universal requirement; no human creature, not
even Mary, has ever been excused from it. Just as we must pilgrimage in the
grey, in this world of sixes and sevens and obstacles and disappointments, so
Mary also had to do. But she preceded us; as Mother of the Church, she walked
paths that we have no alternative but to walk. And she walked, despite apparent
contradictions we shall never experience: the contradiction of Calvary , where she stood beneath the Cross-, for example.
Solid devotion to Mary the
Mother of Jesus can only result in a happy and meaningful year for us, since it
can only help unite us more closely to Mary’s Son, Jesus our Lord. We begin the
New Year with this thought and prayer.
There is a final point
pondering. Jesus as chose to enter our world through Mary, so He wills to grace
us through her. An ancient title of our Lady is “Mediatrix.’’ Vatican Council II
reaffirmed this title. It means that anyone who yearns for God-Life but ignores
the Mother of the Lord, Mary, yearns in vain.
Prepared by:
Frt BikolwaMungu A, Stephen
(Archdiocese of Mwanza)
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